Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Express Entry - Provincial Nomination

Immigrating to Canada has always been possible through multiple channels, but until recently, getting information for all the schemes was surely a very difficult task; as the applicants did not have access to information about many of the pathways that could be used to gain entry into the country. The reason for this was only one, the immigration schemes being offered were actually being managed single handedly and separately by the federal and state governments.

The latest initiative of the authorities of the Maple leaf country, Express Entry, has ushered the Canadian skilled immigration program into a new era. This latest incorporation, made operational in January 2015, has helped the Canadian government to bring almost all the programs aimed at attracting immigrants from various parts of the world under one roof.

Now the immigrants interested in moving to this North American nation through business or skills migration do not need to run from pillar to post to get reliable details about the pathways – possible programs that could be accessed for moving into the country;  andpossibilities – the eligibility parameters of each of the relevant programs, that must be negotiated successfully – of moving into the Canadian shores.

Express Entry, has in a way, also brought in lots of benefits for the provinces; as now they are able to extract multiple benefits, some of which can be easily listed below:

  • The EE platform has enabled almost all the states to garner more slots for their annual skilled and business migration programs;
  • The states are enjoying a wider global exposure, and are addressing a broader and diverse audience through this platform; as the people applying for the immigration often opt for more attractive options, and PNPs have proven to be better schemes that enable the applicants to gain faster entry into the country – than other options offered under federal scheme. These programs have lower mandates for the selection process also;
  • The states through the EE platform enjoy a better control over, the quality of expertise, the selection process; they can select the top ranking profiles for their individual schemes. Even if, some state authorities select some people directly, they encourage the applicants to create their profiles on Express Entry. This helps the states the take advantage of final processing by the CIC.

The willing and qualified applicants, on other hand, have also been able to reap rich benefits from this new edition of Canadian migration system; they are able extract benefits of single window clearance system in many cases. The integration of some parts of schemes of Provincial Nomination With Express Entry have made the Canadian immigration system look more organized and better structured.

If you are also looking forward to migrating to Canada through an Express Entry – Provincial Nomination program of a Canadian state, you need a nomination from a state that would like issue you a sponsorship endorsement. To do this, you need to go the web portal – or take some expert assistance – of the state you are intending to immigrate to and get some concrete information about the eligibility parameters of the program of that state. 

Presently, almost all the Canadian state are running their independent state sponsorship schemes, like
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Newfoundland
  • Northwest Territories
  • Yukon

After ascertaining your eligibility for the targeted state sponsorship scheme, you would need to apply for that state through its official website. In the event of your application being picked up for permanent residence, you would need to create an EOI on Province Nomination – Express Entry platform to complete the application process for immigrating to Canada.


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